City tour Bucaramanga and El Ensueño waterfall

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 86 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 8 часов

We'll visit some of the city's parks and sightsee some of the most important buildings and museums and will finish our day at the Ensueño waterfall where we'll have time to rest, take pictures and dive in its waters after a short 15min trek. It is optional to do the 2 hour trek from the main intermunicipal road to the waterfall.

The tour includes:

- Transfer in /out from the hotel

- City tour through Bucaramanga

- Entrances to: Batalla de Palonegro historical memory museum, Casa de Bolívar museum and to the farm entrusted with the waterfall protection. It is possible that on saturdays, sundays and festive mondays the museums aren''t open to the public

- Trek kit: bottle of water, bocadillo (fruit base candy) and an apple

- Lunch

- Photos

- Tour guide

- Assist card


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