Amarante Secrets

Язык Английский, Итальянский, португальский
Стоимость 80 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Discovering Amarante is an adventure which makes you want to live. Because of its dimension and location, Amarante combines two different realities: rurality and urbanity. On the outskirts of the city, specially the nearest parishes to Aboboreira and Marão mountains are mainly rural. However, in the city centre there is an urban reality with a higher population density. These two realities also represents two different kind of richness: natural, with its mountains and rivers, and cultural, with great monuments and artistic personalities that marked the Portuguese culture. This heritage can be felt in today’s city dynamics.

The city has become an enchanting and truly inspirational destination for travellers who have been lured by the natural beauty and genuine character of this northern city. Located in Porto’s district, Amarante is a city where landscapes guide your eyes from site to site, where a tranquil river flows at your every step and a place that instantly welcomes you with its untouched charm and intimate mood.

Aside from the overwhelming scenery, including a view of the immense Marão mountain range, Amarante holds several interesting landmarks, places to visit, regional restaurants, shops, and always, a breathtaking view. In the historical centre of town, you will find the famous St. Gonçalo Church and St. Gonçalo Bridge, both considered to be the most significant attractions and national monuments in town.Underneath the bridge, travellers can admire the peaceful flow of the Tâmega River that will eventually lead you to a number of pleasant cafés that align the splendid riverside.

The gastronomy will surely receive your highest complements due to its rich cuisine and delicious sweets. Thanks to the numerous cultural and regional influences left in this city from generation to generation, tasting Amarante’s cuisine will certainly be a new experience for visitors. Mostly meat and bacalhau based dishes, be sure to accompany these amazing meals with a glass of the heavenly Vinho Verde.


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