Kashmir Tours

Язык Английский
Стоимость 22000 INR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 неделя

Srinagar is the largest city of Kashmir which is also the summer capital of Jammu and Kashmir and due to its qualities its also a center of attraction for tourists. Srinagar is spread over an area of 103.93 sq kms. and its height above sea level is 1730 meters. This is a beautiful tourist place with mixture of various castes, cultures and languages. The main specialty about this city are its waterfalls and gardens made by Mughal emperors which represent the beauty of 4th and 5th century. Various historians have different views about the establishment of Srinagar but to days truth is that Srinagar is surrounded on both the sides of Jhelum river. Mountains covered with snow, beautiful trees of Chinar, beautiful valleys ,world famous lakes like Nagina and Dull represents the view of this city. Due to its nice climate Srinagar attracts tourist throughout the year.


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