Kanheri caves tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 140 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 4 часа

Start your private tour with pick–up from your accommodation in Mumbai, head to the Kanheri Caves, located deep

within the green forests of Sanjay Ghandi National Park, one of Asia’s major national parks. The caves are a marvellous architectural feat. All 109 of them were chiseled and carved out of a huge basaltic rock outcrop. The smaller caves, known as viharas, served as resting places for the monks. The larger caves, known as chaityas, are lined with various exquisitely carved Buddhist sculptures and were commonly used as places for worship.

In the main hall stands the towering figure of the Lord Buddha measuring about 7 meters in height. The interior has a colonnade of 34 majestically carved pillars. The eleven-headed Avalokiteshwara is the most distinctive motif. There are about 100 inscriptions in different scripts - Brahmi, Devnagri, Pallavi and Sanskrit.

At the end of your tour, head back to your accommodation in Mumbai with excellent memories of the day.


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