Dharavi slum tour with License Guide

Язык Английский
Стоимость 15 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа

Dharavi slum tour begins at the Mahim Railway Station. From here head straight to the Plastic and Metal Recycling yard of 13th Compound. Get abreast with the amazing small sized industry melting and moulding plastic toys and manufacturing buttons for popular brand Barbie Dolls of India.

Walk through narrow lanes and by-lanes taking in the wafting aromas from local bakeries and sweet shops. Exotic smells from soap and cosmetic making units are bound to make some heads turn. Dime sized cyber cafes, locals brushing past, mass-producing tailor shops all make up for an exciting trip. Friendly locals and enthusiastic tiny tots waving from their roof tops and balconies simply add in a touch of regular life being lived here.

Continue on the show and tell tour listening to stories from your guide as you arrive at Kumbharwada, in Dharavi. Known to be the face of India’s largest slum dwelling, The tour through the slum's narrow alleys is quite an adventure, you will undoubtedly feel the strong sense of community and the special spirit that exists here. Dharavi became famous through the worldwide hit movie 'Slumdog Millionaire' in 2008. Visit Kumbharwada, an area occupied by traditional potters hailing from Gujarat. This large settlement set up in 1930s is a testimony of communal clay pits and kilns that have stood the test of time and witnessed hardships. In tandem with Brazil’s Favela, Dharavi and Mahim will leave a mark in your hearts and minds.

Don't expect to find extreme poverty by walking though Dharavi. The tour breaks stereotypical beliefs and will inspire you for your daily life


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