Cooking class with Family

Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

After pickupat 11am, you'll head to a cafe where you're instructor and host will teach you to cook 5 items and their accompaniments. You will assist the instructor, so your experiencee will be totally hands-on and help you understand the right timing for adding ingredients and spices.

Fish, chicken, paneer, rice and dal for non-Vegetarians and egg, vegetable, paneer, rice and dal for vegetarians will be demonstrated during this 3-hour class. Also, you'll learn about the accompaniments served with the meal which include raita, parathas and kheer as the sweet dish.

After the class, you will enjoy eating what you have prepared for a complete meal. At the end, you'll receive a recipe booklet and a small little box with most of the spices as a memorabilia.

The class will end approximately 3 hours after starting, then you'll be transferred back to your accommodations, cruise port or airport in Mumbai.


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