Private Tour of Islamic Cairo

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 120 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Hello travelers! I'm Mo Swefy, guru of Cairo :) I'm a fun guy and I consider myself kind to people and I love meeting and talking with people from other countries. I've traveled through thousands of places in Cairo therefore I know Cairo inside out like the back of my hand. I love everything that has to do with my city and I consider myself 100% Cairene :) "So this is my story: Cairo is my home, and I love this land that gave and taught me so much. Cairo is a microcosm, it's more than just the pyramids and Museums. That's why I decided to build this tour to show you the hidden treasures of this Cosmopolitan city. Especially Islamic Cairo because it is completely underrated and during my tour, you will discover the beauty of my city. All I want is that travelers will leave Cairo with the feeling of having been in a beautiful and safe city full of life"

I will explain the whole history of Cairo through iconic places , how it was founded, curiosities, the history of the Fatimids, Ayyubids, Mamluks, Ottomans, Muhammad Ali and many other things. I will also take you to non-touristy , hidden places so you can enjoy this city like a local ! If you want to know everything about this fantastic city, you can't miss my Free Tour in Cairo!


Al-Ghuri Complex (start of the tour)

Abul Dahab complex Naguib Mahfouz museum)

Al-Azhar Mosque

The food market

Central market (end of the route)


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