Half days trek

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 25 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 4 часа

Option 1.

Tizi ‘n’ Tamert, South East of the Imlil :

- Walk up to the col (pass) of Tizi ‘n’ Tamert (2200m) visible from Imlil. Pass through the village of Tamatert and picnic at the col. From here one can view the two valleys, down into the Imane Valley and back down to the Ait Mizane valley. Stunning.

- Duration 4hrs walking time

Option 2

. Sidi Chamharouch, North of the Imlil :

- Trek up to the cool waters by the Sanctuary of Sidi Chamharouch, taking the route towards Toubkal. Follow the course of the Reraya river, passing the village of Aremd and crossing over and up to the other side of the Ait Mizane valley.

- Duration 4hrs return walking time

Inclued i n the price :

Mountain Guide + team in Berber Family


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