Doge's Palace with skip the line and San Mark’s basilica

Язык Английский
Стоимость 120 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 часа

THE WONDERFUL AND UNIQUE PALACE IN VENICE….THE GOVERNMENT PLACE FOR CENTURIES, FULL OF ART AND HISTORY, a masterpiece of Gothic architecture, the Doge’s Palace is an impressive structure composed of layers of building elements and ornamentation, from its 14th and 15th century original foundations to the significant Renaissance and opulent Mannerist adjunctions.

You will visit San Mark’s basilica after doge’s palace with skip the line tickets and you will admire the unique mosaics and marbles of this beautiful church

I offer to you a 2 Hours visit inside this palace and the basilica (of course I will give to you ten min of free time inside doge’s palace for toilets and a coffe) for the price and details please look at “rates” on my website.

Remember if you want the skip the line contact me minimum a week before thanks 🙂


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