Delicacies of Barcelona

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 400 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

Delicacies, as a rule, are a rare or expensive product in the context of a culture of food consumption, which is considered very desirable, complex or peculiar. Often this is due to unusual tastes or characteristics, or because it is rare or expensive compared to standard foods. In a city like Barcelona, ​​you can taste a variety of delicious delicacies. On our gastronomic walk we will visit various restaurants and cafes, try oysters with kava - sparkling wine produced by special technologies and only in Spain, taste local wines and cheeses, and enjoy fresh cider and excellent Iberian jamon! In the course of our travels from one institution to another, you will learn interesting facts about the city, its infrastructure, culinary traditions and customs of the local inhabitants of Catalunya. Our walk will take place in the most picturesque and charming Old City - in the Gothic Quarter and the El Born district. The cost of the excursion includes a welcome treat in the first restaurant of our route.


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