"A tour like a Sunday"in Istanbul

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 7 часов

Turks like sundays to live with friends, breakfast with tea,simit cheese, and breathe smell of sea, feed seabirds, watch beautiful views of İstanbul. Little bit gossip with turkish coffee :) And awarding themself with turkish coffee and hookah!

I will meet with you in your hotel and go to Eminönü firstly. We will buy simit on the way and then get on the public ferry to cross the asian side. On the ferry we can see historical peninsula and catch chance to take pictures. When we arrive to kadıköy we will seat in a cafeteria to get breakfast with tea and simit. Take a short tour in kadikoy bazaar and fish market. Turning back to european side we get on the marmaray tube (via under sea tunel ). We will walk to Roman Aquaduct if it is possible we go up, For lunch we taste street foods "Rice and Chicken", instead of desert we taste "Boza". Last stop is madrasah to have Turkish coffee.


Ferry from Erupean Side to Asian Side

Breakfast with simit and tea

Kadıkoy Bazaar and fish market

Marmaray undersea tunel (tube)

Roman Valens Acqueduct (368)

Kadınlar Pazari (Local Market)

Madrasah of Corlulu Ali Pasha

Notes: Tour formation walking/public transportation

Itineraries can be customized, and/or connected as requested


Private professional guidance in English.


Tea, Simit, Coffee, Boza, Rice and Chicken,Hookah, public transportation

Personal expenses.


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