Istanbul - The Alternative Two Continents Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

Beyooglu was the first non-Moslem residential district of Istanbul.This walk will give you a chance to look at cosmopolitan Istanbul and its people.The walk begins at Taksim Square, city's transportation hub. We will walk the Istiklal Street. The street has an ongoing action all through the day, and night; art nouveau theatres, art galleries, pubs, cafés are frequented by locals. The walk covers the picturesque Fish Market. We catch cahnce to watch panoramic view of scity from Galata Tower. We on the Galata Bridge, Then we take the commuter ferry across the Bosphorus to Kadıkoy. Kadıkoy is a commercial and residential district that grew over the decades around the ferry docks. District market is the historic core of the area, and it doesn’t get more authentic than this setting.We ride the same ferry back to European Istanbul.


Taksim Square

İstiklal Street

Galata Bridge

Commuter Ferry

Kadıköy Area


Itineraries can be customized, and/or connected as requested.

Tour Formation: walking & public transportation


Private professional guidance in English.

Public Transportation During The Day.


Entrance ticket to Galata Bridge

Lunch in a Turkish restaurant.



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