Istanbul- Byzantine &Ottoman; Relics Tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 150 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 8 часов

This tour covers the most famous historical monuments and sights in Old City area. These are 1500 years old Hagia Sophia Museum, gigantic Blue Mosque with its famous blue tiles, Hippodrome area where the Byzantium era chariot races used to be once held, Topkapi Palace*and world’s oldest indoor market, Grand Bazaar**. After the tour, I will take you back to your hotel.



Hagia Sophia Mosque

Blue Mosque

Topkapi Palace

Grand Bazaar

Notes: Itineraries can be customized, and/or connected as requested.

*Topkapı Palace is closed on Tuesdays (depend on sesion).

**Grand Bazaar is closed on Sundays.

***After the tour we have time to join Turkish night and Dervish Dance or to organise taking rest in ottoman Hamam (Bath House)


Professional guidance in English.


All tickets to the sights mentioned in the program.

Lunch in a restaurant where they serve Ottoman cuisine.

Drinks at the restaurant.

Personal expenses.



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