Mor Gabriel Monastery - Midyat - Dara - Kasimiye Medrese Tour

Язык Английский, Испанский
Стоимость 400 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

Tour starts at 08:30 in the morning the car will pick up the guests from their hotel.

Our first visit is Mor Gabriel Monastery which is 24 km far from Midyat town, the ride is almost 1 and a half-hour time from Mardin.

Mor Gabriel Monastery is one of the most significant Syriac Orthodox Monastery in the region. It will take about 40 minutes there. Then we will arrive in Midyat to visit the backstreets, the unique mansions, and silversmiths bazaar there. We'll have our lunch either in Midyat or in a small village on our way, up to request.

Afterward, we'll ride through Midyat Nusaybin road to Dara Ancient Ruins, the Turkey Syria border will be visible on our way to Dara Ancient Ruins. Dara Ancient Ruins is an old Roman military base as well as a large Roman city famous for the excellent water cisterns and water channel systems.

Once we complete our visit to Dara village we will turn back to Mardin after visiting Kasimiye Medrese.

This tour includes:

The guide, car, driver, oil cost

Not included: entrance fee for the monastery, lunch and coffee breaks, and extras.


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