Hampden Estate Rum Tour From Falmouth

Язык Английский
Стоимость 110 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 3 часа

This Falmouth excursion is the easiest way to visit the Hampden Estate rum distillery in just a few hours, without having to worry about planning transport. Explore the working distillery as you learn about the centuries-old rum making process, and then sit down to enjoy a typical Jamaican lunch. Along with a guided tour and tasting at Hampden Estate, lunch and hotel or port pickup and drop-off are included.

What to Expect:

Enjoy the charming old-world aura on a guided tour of this working distillery. Learn about the over 260 year old rum making process still in use today. Explore the picturesque grounds surrounding the Great House while getting lost in the historical beauty of this magnificent well kept estate.

Sit back and enjoy a welcome drink of Hampden rum punch under the cool Ficus tree while your tour guide demonstrates how juice was extracted from sugar cane in the 17th century. Grasp the opportunity to learn and test your knowledge of the Jamaican culture in a quick pop quiz.

Visit the Distillery & Ageing House, where the different methods of distillation are done. Your next stop is the rum lab for a brief primer on consistency, quality control and rum bottling.

Now, we sit down to an authentic Jamaican style lunch before the excitement begins! sample the smooth tasting Hampden rums in the lounge, this won’t be a boring excursion! try a blend of rum and coconut water freshly picked from the estate.


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