Beng Mealea and Kampong Khleang 1-day Tour

Язык Китайский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 35 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

Morning tour:

Your day starts at 9:00 AM, transfer by car or minivan to see the garden temple of Beng Mealea or Jungle Temple, is about 60 kilometers from Siem Reap town. It is a huge temple, unrestored temple surrounded and partly overgrown by jungle near Phnom Kulen National Park. The temple was built out of large sandstone blocks adorned with both Hindu and Buddhist depictions, is faced towards the east. You should not miss the visit to this one because 100 percent have not restored yet.

After lunch and relax a bit, we’ll start our journey towards Kompong Khleang. This place is located on the northern lake-edge about 55 km east of Siem Reap town, more remote and less touristy than Kampong Pluk. During the Wet Season, we’ll take a leisurely boat ride to see the many houses that appear to float on water. We’ll see how the local villages live within a flooded community.

During the dry season, we’ll see just how local houses tower 10 meters above the land, we’ll journey around the many farms growing vegetables and cash crops within the dryer fertile soils that were previously flooded during the wet season.


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