Banteay Srie 1-day Tour

Язык Китайский, Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 35 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 день

Morning Tour:

Your day starts at 9:00 AM, transfer by car or minivan to see Banteay Srei, locating North of Angkor Region. It is a really Hindu temple, dedicated to Shiva God. Break time for our lunch in the local restaurant; relax in hammock restaurant before visit Beng Mealea.

Afternoon Tour:

The garden temple of Beng Mealea or vegetation Temple is about 60 kilometers from Siem Reap town. It is a huge temple, unrestored temple surrounded and partly overgrown by jungle near Phnom Kulen National Park. The temple was built out of large sandstone blocks adorned with both Hindu and Buddhist depictions, is faced towards the east. You should not miss the visit to this one because of 100 percent of this time no restoration).

In the afternoon start to explore Kampong Phluk to see what is the real life like for residents of the flooded village at a largest natural freshwater lake in South Asia name Tonle Sap Lake and taking local cultural boat rides, visiting houses are built on stilts of around 7 meters high. Here you will see the flooded forest which was acts like a real mangrove. During the dry season, the trees and houses rise above the water and give a special and memorable view of the village. Unlike anything you have seen, we will share the lives of fishing and farming villagers in Siem Reap.


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