Discover the historical & natural sights in Albania!!!

Язык Английский, Греческий
Стоимость 100 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

Meet up with each other and continue our trip towards Ancient city Durres. The most historical Roman and Venecian periods are interlaced with each-other.

Enjoying lunch at one of the best places in Durres called Promenade of Vollga.

Afterwards heading towards anothe breathtaking place roughly 1 hr away driving distance Natural Park of Divjaka.

A rare species is dwelled over there well known as whitte Pelican. Right at the entrance is another challenge for you climbing the highest tower called 360 grad. It's own position up 250 m above the sea level gives an impression like you are flying amidst the sky. An overlooking view 360 grad you would take an opportunity to notify every eadge of Park. Lagoon of Karavasta is quite impossing sights you can see from that tower.

On our way back towards Tirana some free time on your own arrangements


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