A Private Tour on a Yacht around the Tallinn Bay

Язык Английский, эстонский, Итальянский, Русский
Стоимость 350 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 2 часа

The silhouette of Tallinn has already been attracting people for many centuries. The tall towers of the city were almost calling them to take a visit and do some trading there. Next to them, today, the silhouette has been enhanced with different modern architecture as well!

This trip is truly unique, since you will be able to see the many different stages of the city's development and listen to its stories, and enjoy the views on the sea at the same time. During the trip, we will visit some of the city's harbours, that are close to the Old Town, see the old prison and the hangar for the seaplanes from the year 1916 and also take a look on the Olympic village and the location of the sailing competition of the Olympic Games of 1980. If we will be lucky, we'll also get a chance to see the modern Regatta of Tallinn.

As a pleasant moment, upon entering the yacht, you will be greeted with a welcome drink: a light and a bit sparkling Portuguese wine!

The season for this trip is from May until September, the possibility of doing it depends on the weather conditions. If, according to the captain, the weather will not be safe, the trip will have to be cancelled. The yacht is equipped with everything that is required by the safety regulations.

IMPORTANT: Please do not wear shoes with high heels or with dark soles. It is okay to be barefoot aboard :-) Also please bring a jacket or something to cover yourself, since the breeze outside the harbour normally is colder than on the shore. Additional blankets are available also.


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