The School of Nomads

Язык Английский
Стоимость 499 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 1 неделя

Nomads are people without fixed habitation, who regularly move from places to places. This is a definition that any dictionary will give. But what it means to BE a nomad? It is more than just a lifestyle, it is a philosophy. Nomdas are more sensitive to the environment and nature because their surrounding requires mobility for the efficient use of natural resources.

Kazakh people are pastoral nomads, who moved between summer, autumn, winter and spring pastures with the main resource of their life - livestock. Therefore, the most basic knowledge of Kazakh nomad required familiarity with yurt construction, hunting, and cattle breeding. Dive into the world of nomads and learn basic nomadic skills. In the school of nomads you will learn:

Horse riding

Yurt construction

Eagle hunting


Cattle breeding

Making traditional Kazakh meals, etc.


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