Peter Boer Tours & Safaris cc

Язык Английский
Стоимость 65300 NAD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 2 недели

Discover More of Namibia 14 days Tour package. This Tour Package have two phase and end up in Etosha( NP - National Park) Phase No 1. Children can be allowed on this tour.

Phase Two started where you stop in Etosha NP, Explore the North East, the tour goes via Botswana Okavango Delta up to Zimbabwe, Please Take Note : This is one of the best for Photographic, we can recommended you, and there is a reason behind it and why, it must be book in advance of 8 mouths and only in May, every year you can discover more than you expected on your vacation adventure safari trip. The safari will be more wildlife and wild camping tour, please take note kids can't be on this tour. This tour can be do in Convoy only 5 Fully camping equipment's ,or in 3 vehicles.

More info about the tour contact us.

One the most successful tour and research what our clients need and what you want for safari trip.


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