David Gareja Monastery and Sighnaghi Private Tour

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 12 часов

In the morning, I and driver will pick you up from your accommodation in Tbilisi and you’ll head to David Gareja complex via Sagarejo village. Turning from the Eastern main road, drive on a dirt road to the semi-desert. The complex was established in 6th century AD by one of the 13 Assyrian monks and expanded through the centuries. Here, you’ll have a tour of the caves and monasteries, and enjoy 2-3 hours easy trekking in the semi-desert.

On your way to Signagi, you’ll visit the Bodbe monastery. The monastery is one of the major pilgrimage sites in Georgia, due to its association with St. Nino, the 4th-century female evangelist in Georgia. In Sighnaghi, a small town surrounded by 18th-century defensive wall and remnants of fortifications, take a relaxing walk in the town, explore the defensive wall and fortifications, and enjoy the views of Alazani Valley. In the evening, drive back to your place of stay in Tbilisi.


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