Multi day Tunisia campaign WW2 tour

Язык Английский
Стоимость 3150 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 дней

Day 1:Medjez el bab-long stop hill -Tebourba -Dougga

Drive to Medjez el bab and stop at bridge of Medjez.Panoramic view of chassrat Teffah and Heidous.Stop for a panoramic view of Borj Toumi train station , drive through the area with panorzmic view Jebel El guessa and Jebel Boukaz.Drive through Tebourba and al Battan.

Drive to Dougga to visit the roman city.

spend the night in Dougga

Day 2 : Dougga -kasserine pass-Sbeitla

drive to kasserine pass through Thala

visit the roman city in Sbeitla.

spend the night in Sbeitla

Day 3: Sbeitla- El Guettar - Djebel Er Roumana - Matmata

Visit El Guettar. Stop in Djebel Erroumana memorial and Wadi Akarit.

Stop at Tebbaga gap.Accommodation in Matmata.

Day 4: Matmata - Mareth line - Sfax-Faid pass -El Houareb pass-Kairouan

Drive to Mareth line for a panoramic view of the line and visit of the local military museum.

Drive to Faid pass through Sfax.

panoramic view of Faid pass and el Houareb pass.

spend the night in kairouan.

Day 5 : kairouan -Takrouna-Tunis

Visit Kairouan,the fourth holy city of the muslim world.Visit the big mosque ,the cisterns and the local saint.

Drive to Tunis with a stop for a panoramic view of Takrouna and the aqueduct of Carthage.

spend the night in Tunis

Day 6 : Carthage - American Memorial - Sidi Bousaid

End of the tour


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