Day tour to Abu Simbel

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 245 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа более 10 человек
Длительность 11 часов

In the early morning, your professional tour guide will pick-up you up from your hotel in Aswan to enjoy A wonderful guided day tour to explore the Sun temples of King Ramses 2 and his beautiful wife Princess Nefertari, Located in Nubia near Egypt’s southern border, among the most awe-inspiring monuments of Egypt.

It was cut into the living rock by King Ramesses II (the Great) of the Nineteenth Dynasty, around 1264 B.C.

Abu Simbel Temple is most well known for the four imposing seated colossal statues that dominate its façade.

One of these collapsed because of an ancient earthquake, and its fragments can still be seen on the ground.

Tour Highlights:

The temple of Ramses 2 at Abu Simbel.

The temple of Nefertari.

Tour included:

English-speaking tour guide.

Modern private air-conditioned car.

Tour permission.

Pick up and transfer back to the hotel in Aswan.

Bottled water and Coffee.

All service charges and Taxes.

Tour Excluded:

Entrance ticket.



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