Berat City tour with lunch and wine tasting

Язык Английский
Стоимость 45 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Discover Berat, which is inarguably one of the most beautiful towns in Albania! Go back to the Ottoman era and find castle along with its churches .Great opportunity for photography . Go on a village close by berat .This is the perfect place to spend a weekend, exploring the countryside, enjoying fine wine and food, and best of all, experiencing the true meaning of Albanian hospitality. Enjoy the views of the hills ,and walk through the vineyards . Meet locals and taste the best wine of the region . Enjoy the traditional food of the area .


• Visit Castle of Berat

• Start driving from Berat to Roshnik aprox 20 mn

• Visit Alpeta winery ,

• Explore the vineyards ,

• Taste 3 types of wines (1 white +2 red )

• Lunch in a rustic restaurant


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