Язык Английский, Русский, турецкий
Стоимость 18 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 6 часов

Yacht Tour-Kemer

Yacht Tour Kemer- Enjoy a day beyond the hectic city on a breathtaking, beautiful long yacht. Start your trip at the fairy tale harbor of Kemer.

About this activity

Instant confirmation

Pick-up service

Transport from your hotel.

Cancel up to 24 hours in advance for a full refund



Start your trip from the harbor of Kemer or Antalya

Swim, fish or just enjoy the view

Full description

Enjoy a day beyond the hectic city on a breathtaking, beautiful long yacht. Start your trip at the fairy tale harbor of Kemer. Experience a private motor yacht tour along the breathtaking coast of the Mediterranean pearl of Antalya in the beautiful turquoise colored sea with huge but incredibly beautiful mountains.

The contrast between the turquoise, blue sea, the green wooded mountain and the light blue sky are uniquely beautiful and an unforgettable experience that you will remember with pleasure for years to come.

Whether you are celebrating a bachelor party, birthday party or just a glamorous family outing, this experience will be for everyone. Spend 5-hours on the yacht and leave whatever you want. You can swim, fish or just enjoy the view. Do not miss this enchanting experience with delicious snacks and drinks.


Snacks and drinks

Local taxes


Transfer from your hotel to the harbor and back again


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