Experience Bakhtyari Nomad Lifestyle

Язык Английский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Day 1: Pick you up from the hotel in Isfahan and travel to Shahr-e Kord and then drive to Chelgerd the main districts of Bakhtiari Nomads settlement. Visit Dimeh spring on the way and visit Koohrang Tunel which is the main source of Zayandehrood River. Have lunch in Nomad’s black tent (Siah Chador). Stay overnight in Chelgerd.

Day 2: After breakfast, travel to Sar-e Agha Seyed village a special village through the Zagros Mountain which is covered by snow in 7 months of year. Drive back to chelgerd and after lunch drive back to Isfahan.

Tour Services:

Air-conditioned 4WD car with an English speaker driver guide

1 Breakfast, 2 Lunches, 1diner, Snack, Bottled Water.

1 night accommodation in hotel

Entrance fees

Tour group size: 4 pax.


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