Ecplore South of Albania 1 - Saranda

Язык Английский, Итальянский
Стоимость 860 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 7 часов

A full day to explore South of Albania.

A visit in Butrint - the ancient city where you can see all period o times in which the Albanian history has passed through time, from IV century BC till present days.

Lunch time and the taste of the mussels the queen of Butrinti Lake.

On the way back a beautiful view of all the region from the top of Lekursi castle. a 360" view of Saranda, the Ionian sea, Butrinti lake, The large Mountain and the fields around.


entrance ticket to the site



guide service


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