Halfeti, Zeugma & Gaziantep

Язык Английский
Стоимость 500 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
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Zeugma, Blackrose, Halfeti, Euphrates

Halfeti (Cittaslow, blackrose, Euphrates), Zeugma Mosaic Museum, and Zeugma ancient city tour.

You are here to explore this natural and historical city together, which is identified with the homeland of the black rose, the city of Cittaslow, the sacred Euphrates River.

Belkıs / Zeugma is a city built on hills, 10 kilometres east of Gaziantep's Nizip district. Seleucus I Nicator, one of the generals of Alexander the Great, founded a city named Selevkeia Euphrates in 300 BC, where Alexander the Great crossed the Euphrates River. He established a second city opposite this city with the name of his wife Apama and connected these two cities with a bridge. The city was connected to Rome from 31 BC and its name was changed to "Zeugma" in the sense of passage-bridge. During the Roman Period, the city lived its golden age.

In 256 AD, Sassanid King Shapur I captured Zeugma and destroyed it. After this date, Zeugma could not reach its former glory again. Zeugma advanced a lot in the field of art, especially in the Roman period, and the mosaic flooring adorning rich villas became competitive with the world examples. The mosaics unearthed during excavations in only one part of the region reveal that Zeugma is literally a mosaic city. Zeugma excavations and this area has been reached during a "world record" Gaziantep and Turkey conferring bullae (Seal Edition). Belkis / Zeugma is among the features that make it unique.

Zeugma Mosaic Museum: Mosaics that were found lying nearest to the River Euphrates are displayed at the entrance, followed by those that were found in locations increasingly nearer to the city terraces. Mosaics from the Roman Hamam found immediately under the body of the Birecik Dam, are displayed on the ground floor. Visitors to the Zeugma Mosaic Museum start at the lowest level of Zeugma and complete their tour rising through the terrace levels of the city. Other cultural treasures relating to Zeugma can be seen at the Korugan Museum which has been built at the site of the Zeugma ruins. Dominating the museum, and easily seen from all floors, is the statue of Mars, the god of war and spring, which is positioned as if it were the protector of the museum, as it was in ancient Zeugma. It is one of the most important items within the exhibition project. On the second floor, a mysterious, labyrinthine room emphasizes the mournful expression of the Gypsy Girl mosaic displayed within. The Zeugma Mosaic Museum collection includes 2.448 m² of mosaics from the Roman and Late Antique period, 140 m² of frescoes, 4 Roman fountains, 20 columns, 4 limestone statues, a bronze Mars statue, tomb stelae, sarcophagi, and architectural fragments, all restored to a condition ready for exhibition.


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