Danube Bend - Esztergom, Visegrád, Szentende

Язык Английский, румынский
Стоимость 310 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 9 часов

This is a day-trip north from Budapest along to the most beautiful part of the Hungarian riverside.

Beautiful panoramas and wonderful architecture can be easily found where the old river turns south. The Danube Bend is a huge region from Esztergom, where the Danube River starts bending, all the way down to Vác. The region also includes the Börzsöny Hills north from the Danube, Pilis and Visegrád Hills on the south bank, and the Island of Szentendre. During our tour we visit the biggest church of the country in Esztergom(for a picture we can cross the Slovakian border), we admire the view from the Visegrád Citadel, and we will stroll in the medieval streets of Szentendre. If requested, we can include a lunch-break in one of the cities.


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