Full day Absheron Peninsula Tour

Язык Английский, Русский, турецкий
Стоимость 130 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 8 часов

After your breakfasts is at 08:30-09:00 start the way from your hotel to Mud Volcanoes, Gobustan reserve and Bibi Heybat Mosque and with stopping for lunch. Gobustan reserve that in 2007 was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Gobustan occupies the south-eastern spur of the Great Caucasian Range and situated 60 kmsouth of Baku. It is a semi-desert area dissected by numerous gullies and ravines and Gobustan, in translation, means "ravine land". Caves and rock outcroppings surround the region. Settled since the Stone Age the area is one of the major and most ancient museums of rock engravings (petrogliphs) in the world. Mud volcanoes are concocted by geo-excreted gases and liquids in which solids are suspended. Excreted is the right word too, as 86% of the gas released by these flatulent natural wonders is methane, with the rest of the gases made up of carbon dioxide and nitrogen( just bear in mind please because of terrible road to reach that place during or after rain almost impossible). The Bibi-Heybat Mosque is a historical mosque in Baku, Azerbaijan. The existing structure, built in the 1990s, is a recreation of the mosque with the same name built in the 13th century by Shirvanshah Farrukhzad II Ibn Ahsitan II, which was completely destroyed by the Bolsheviks in 1936. The Bibi-Heybat Mosque includes the tomb of Ukeyma Khanum (a descendant of the Prophet Muhammad), and today is the spiritual center for the Muslims of the region and one of the major monuments of Islamic architecture in Azerbaijan. Independent lunch. After the lunch you will explore Absheron Peninsula and visiting Ateshgah - the Fire Worshippers' Temple located in the village of Surakhany and Yanar Dagh, where a small hillside is constantly and naturally aflame. On the way back to your hotel photo stopping in Heydar Aliyev Cultural Center projected by very famous architecture named Zaha Hadid. Excursion will be finalized with a drop-off at your hotel/place in Baku approximately at 17:00.


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