week end get away in a more calm and relaxing Ecotourism site; Nkolandom.

Язык Английский, Французский
Стоимость 750 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 дня

Nkolandom is found in the South region of Cameroon, 18km from the town of Ebolowa.

Day-1 Friday, Yaounde-Mbalmayo-Ebolowa-Nkolandom.

Departure from Hotel to Nkolandom passing through Mbalmayo and Ebolowa in about 2h37mins of a distance covering 173km.

Arrival and installation in a lodge, diner and night.

*Day -2 Saturday :

Breakfast and visit of the boukarous, viewing of the magnificient rock overlooking the village,discovery of the caves , guided visit to the museum, cocoa plantation,palm plantation, to the orphanage, offering of gifts, walk to discover the market, encounter with the locals , back to lodge, Lunch and departure for Yaounde.

Arrival and end of services.

N.B. Price include the following:


*fullboard feeding + a bottle of water

* transportation + driver + petrol

* toll gate

* professional Guide

* local Guide



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