Thimpu Tschechu Festival

Язык Английский
Стоимость 1500 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 5 дней

1) A spiritual festival celebrated as per Lunar Bhutanese calendar.

2) Locals dress in their finest outfit and jewelries gather at the Thimphu Tashichoedzong to observe the religious and spiritual social event.

3) Highlight of the first day includes Shawo Shachi (Dance of the Stag and the Hounds), a biographic drama inspired by the legacy of 11th century Tibetan yogi Jetsun Milarepa which illustrates the encounter of the saint and a hunter Gonpo Dorje who was converted to a compassionate Buddhist by the wise and compassionate saint.

4) Highlight of second day includes Durdag Chham (Dance of the lords of the cemetery), a performance by four dancers wearing white skeletal costume and skull mask, marching into the courtyard with thunderbolt steps to summon all negative forces.

5) Highlight of third day includes Bardo Raksha Mangcham (Dance of Judgment of the dead), representation of the judgment day after a person dies. For more information, please visit


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