Underground Aquaducts around Jerusalem

Язык Английский
Стоимость 250 EUR за экскурсию
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Длительность 10 часов

A day in underground tunnels

See may presentation about the history of Jerusalem

I will begin with a review of the history of Jerusalem and water supply systems during the various periods.

Biar Aquaduct - 80 meter long underground aquaduct that led water into Solomon's pools in Beit-Lehem (Walking in water at a depth of 1 meter)/

The underground aqueduct from the Hasmonean period (120BC) under Mount Armon Hanatziv is about 500 meters long.

The underground aqueduct built by King Hezekiah in 705 BCE in the City of David, which brought water from the Gihon Spring to the Shiloah Pool. The depth of the water is about 60 cm and the length of the aqueduct is 530 meters

The underground drainage tunnel built by Herod in 20 BC. From the Shiloah Pool to the Davidson Archaeological Park. Tunnel length of about 650 meters

The Kotel Tunnel

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