Wellness Journey

Язык Армянский, Английский, Русский
Стоимость 155 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

I offer you a wellness trip to the famous Khor Virap Monastery, ancient Noravank Monastery and the wellness tourism center of Armenia,Jermuk city in a new and comfortable Mercedes-benz car and exclusive services in Armenia.

Your comfort is my main priority!

Amaze yourself with me!

​​​​​The excursion starts at 10:00 at the location you specified.

1 point

Khor Virap Monastery is located in the Ararat region and is the birthplace of Christianity in Armenia. In ancient centuries, this was a prison where St. Gregory the Illuminator, the founder of Christianity in Armenia, was imprisoned for 13 years. After his liberation and the adoption of Christianity in Armenia (the first in the world in 301 AC),there was built the Monastery complex, which you can explore and immerse yourself in the history, architecture and culture of ancient Armenia. Khor Virap is also the closest point to the legendary Mount Ararat, from where opens a fabulous view of the Biblical Mountain, and where you will have a great opportunity to make amazing photos for memory.

2 point

Noravank Monastery (translated as New Monastery) was built in the 13th century and is one of the oldest and most famous Monasteries in Armenia. Located on a slope near Areni village and surrounded by his famous red rocks. In 1996, there was an attempt to add the Monastery complex to the UNESCO World Heritage List. Also, some of the complex’s buildings were built by the famous sculptor Momik. Noravank surrounded by exciting hiking areas and massive ridges with fantastic landscapes, where you can make amazing memorable photos.

3 point

Located on the Arpa River,Jermuk city since the time of the USSR, was considered as main wellness center of Armenia, famous for its mud baths, thermal springs and ponds. A little further from the city there is a waterfall beloved by all tourists, where you can go up and take fabulous photos for memory. In the city you will have the opportunity to take a walk in the fresh air, taste the legendary Armenian cuisine and taste the best mineral water in the Republic.

Excursion Include:

Guide service

Photo service

Treats in the car

Free Wi-Fi

Transportation expenses

Hotel pick-up & drop-off

Excursion exclude:


Sightseeing Tickets

Payment of the excursion charged in the beginning of the tour


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