Nizwa Culture & Heritage tour

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 460 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 9 часов

Today we are going to drive to the old capital of Oman and visit 17th century Nizwa Fort and traditional silver, spice & pottery souk.

Passing the UNESCO listed Bahla Fort, we then enter Oman's finest Jabrin Castle built in 1670 with its beautiful paintings and woodcarving on the ceilings.

The next point of our interest is Bait Al Safah, the heritage house built 400 years ago, where we are going to see the traditional women and children living their daily cultural lives. It gives a nice impression of what these houses might originally have looked like, while a few jolly old ladies from the town sit around baking bread, grinding coffee and flour.

Drive to Misfat Al Abryeen village. Its' houses perched on the mountaintop with date palms running next to it are really striking. The flourishing date palm is a rare sight sustained by the Falaj that runs through the village.


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