Wadi Bani Awf Adventure

Язык Английский, Русский
Стоимость 460 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 10 часов

We start our tour with the visit to a massive Nakhal Fort standing on a rocky outcrop and looking out over extensive date plantations.

Our journey continues as we are going to take an adventurous drive to one of the most spectacular and "must visit" wadis in Oman - Wadi Bani Awf. The route cuts right to the base of the massive north face of Jabal Shams and nestled at the base of this 1,100m cliff is the picturesque village Balad Sayt, arguably the prettiest village in the county. Along the way you will have a chance to explore side canyons and, of course, the adventure route Snack Canyon.

We then stop at 400 years old heritage house of Bait Al Safah to have a little break, test an Arabic coffee with dates and learn how local women and children live their daily life.

On the way back to Muscat, we have a short walk along the falaj system of the abaunded village at Birkat Al Mouz.


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