Uganda gorillas and wildlife viewing

Язык Китайский, Голландский, Английский
Стоимость 3900 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 1 неделя 1 день

Discover UGANDA …the Pearl of Africa!

So far discovered by few tourists, Uganda is still virtually untouched and pure.

Uganda is a country of many surprises with rolling hills, sparkling crater lakes, abundant wildlife, adrenaline activities and, of course, the endangered Mountain Gorillas. Uganda is still authentically African, lush green and home to the friendliest people on the continent.

At interior Safaris East Africa we are passionate about Uganda and it is our privilege to introduce you to the Pearl of Africa.

Whether you prefer gorilla tracking, exploring the country on a complete round-trip or combining a trip to Uganda with one of the other East African countries, everything is possible! We will tailor your safari to your individual needs, taking your special wishes into account and never lose sight of the smallest details. From the moment you step out of the plane, we have taken care of everything. Your accommodation is booked, the activities are arranged and your guide will be waiting for you. Let us take you on a journey of discovery through authentic Africa!

Interior safaris East Africa


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