May Avenue (Avenida de Mayo) from A to Z, a must see tour

Язык Английский, португальский, Испанский
Стоимость 75 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

May Avenue, the first one in this metropolis, was opened to join the Pink House with the National Congress. In this incredible tour you can see the most relevant buildings like the Barolo Palace, the old hotels, the House of Culture and the Art Nouveau and Art Deco Styles that stand out along the Avenue.

You would also be able to appreciate the little alleys such as the Roverano, and Urquiza – Anchorena. Details in the facades, the National Congress and the Thinker made by Rodin would also be part of this tour and would wonder us with their beauty.

May Avenue has little “gems” to be discovered like for example a coffee shop in which the Argentinian writer Cortazar wrote his book “ Los Premios” (The Prizes); it is also the first Avenue in South America to have a subway; along this avenue it is located as well the oldest cafe in the city.

An unmissable tour.

Meeting point - May Avenue 1402- Building La Inmobiliaria


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