Night Baku / Ночной Баку

Язык Azerbaijani, Английский, Русский, турецкий
Стоимость 1 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 10 человек
Длительность 3 часа

TOUR İS FREE AND BASED ON TİPS.Explore night view of Baku city on "Night Baku Tour”. See panorama of the city and enjoy a walk in the city boulevard. You will get a chance to see old parts of the city as well, as modern buildings located nearby. Flame Towers and the city bay panorama will make your tour exquisite and memorable. After the funicular and seeing Martyrs Lane, walk around the boulevard to enjoy the fresh air and see the Maiden Tower. The last stop will be in front of the Government House. This 2.5-hours night tour will be amazing experience for first time visitors who enjoy serene night walks.İf you are the only registered to the tour please book at least 60 minutes before starting the tour.Please, write me after you book


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