Buda Castle Tour

Язык Английский, Немецкий, Венгерский
Стоимость 80 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 3 часа

The castle tour gives a historical overview of the Buda Castle district, which is a UNESCO World heritage site. We will have a nice walk among nice baroque style buildings through the small cobblestone streets. You will hear how the castle was built and designed and historical stories about the medieval Buda and the Jewish community of the 14th century.During this tour we will visit major historical sights. If you would like to go inside one or more museums, the mikve, the Matthias Church or the Hospital in the Rock, I can arrange it for you, but note that the tour will be 1-3 hours longer. Please inform me about your choice before the tour.

​Main stops:

Royal palace (Hungarian National Gallery, Historical Museum, nice statues, Lion garden, Széchenyi Library)​​​

Former Jewish Quarter, Mikve

Sándor Palace​

Dísz Square​​

Tóth Árpád Avenue

Holy Trinity Square

Matthias Church

Fisherman's Bastion

Hotel Hilton

Vienna Gate

Maria Magdalena Tower

We will have a coffe break in one of the city's oldest cafés where you can eat delicious cakes.


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