Marrakech Palaces & Monuments - 1/2 Day Tour

Язык Китайский, Английский, Французский, Немецкий, Итальянский, Японский, Русский, Испанский
Стоимость 20 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 4 часа

* Plunge into the history, art and culture of the delightful city Marrakech on this captivating, colorful tour.

* Photograph the magnificent Koutoubia mosque with its great square tower and shining copper globes.

* Hear the strange tale of the serene Saadian Tombs with their mosaics, brilliantly colored tiles and delicate carvings. And relive the atmosphere of a glorious age in the exquisite rooms and gardens of the Bahia Palace.

- A great introduction to Marrakechs most famous landmarks

- Visit Koutoubia Mosque, Saadian Tombs and Bahia Palace

- The tour is conducted in an air-conditioned vehicle and you will be accompanied by an expert guide

- For your delightful half-day tour you will be picked up at 0830 hours (08:30am) from your hotel or riyad in Marrakech.

You will set out in an air-conditioned vehicle (not included with price of tour) with your guide to explore some of the most fascinating parts of Marrakech. The tour takes 3½ hours and covers around 50km (30 miles).

Formerly an imperial city and important hub for camel caravans, Marrakech nestles near the foothills of the snow-capped Atlas Mountains. Because of the rich ochre color of its buildings, it is often known as the 'Red City'.

Your tour continues to the peaceful enclosure in the kasbah housing the Saadian Tombs. These fine 16th century tombs, beautifully decorated with colorful tiles, Arabic script and intricate carvings, were sealed up for hundreds of years and only rediscovered in 1917.

Next stop is the Moroccan Art Museum, a private museum in a charming Spanish-Moroccan house. You have around 30 minutes to view the excellent collection of basket work, jewellery and textiles.

You continue to the delightful Bahia Palace, built at the end of the 19th century. Spend an hour here admiring the stunning stuccos, paintings, Islamic mosaics and coloured carved cedar wood roofs, and enjoying the Moorish-style pleasure gardens, planted with orange trees, cypress trees and jasmines.

Your tour ends around 1200h (12 noon). The vehicle will drop you off back at your hotel or riyad and if your accommodation is not a pick-up location, at the nearest possible point to your hotel.


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