Sahara of Tunisia

Язык Английский, Французский, Испанский
Стоимость 2800 EUR за экскурсию
Количество участников 1 человек
Длительность 1 неделя

In one week you will have the opportunity to descover most important cities of Tunisia from north to south reaching rhe sahara and sand dunes.

After your first day of arrival we will take you to visit the capital of Tunisia , Tunis and descover the archiological Site of carthage and enjoy a free time in sidi Bou said.

Our seconde day of visite we will stop by Sousse, then we will spent the night in Monastir after visit of the town and special dinner in a Tradional restaurant.

Third day of visite we will cross by cost line of Mahdia , short stop in The medina the we continue to visite the Roman Coloseum of Eljem and then we will drive arround 400 km with arround 4 stops to reach Douz, where we will spent the night

Fourth day we will enjoy sahara camel rides, quades,buggy or even horse cariage, another night but in tozeur and time to descover the oasis and mybe jeep tour in. Star wars city Sixth day back from Tozeur and stop By Kairouan to descover the oldest mosque in North africa after lunch qnd depending on your hotel or we spent short time in port of Kantaoui if your hotel in Sousse or Monastir , or we go back to Tunis.

This programme is subject to be changed at any time due to weather or techinical or safety reasons.

Pricing in this Programe includs guiding, A/C transport , hotel and acomodation.

Extrat fees for extrat activities such quads, buggy, jeep or similar activities.

Food and beverage is included while in Hotel, day lunch or extrat drinks will be in extrat.

Entrance to All archilogucal Sites is Included.

Transfert from and to the hotel & Aerport will be included in Arrival and departure

Arrangment of this programme will be done upon request and desire but at least 2 weeks in advance.

In case of cancelation from the side of the guest no refound will be done, in case of cancelation of my side a proportional part of the cancelled part of programe will be reimboursed .

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