Bedouin Dinner & African tea ,Coffee in Cairo.

Язык Английский, Немецкий, индонезийский
Стоимость 65 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 6 часов

Explore Cairo and Taste a very nice Bedouin dinner in a private tent , Have a nubian and African tea & coffee , you will drink a special coffee from the hands of the people just making it in front of you to have the most amazing night in Egypt.

Tour Highlights:

You can try the Egyptian food, Honey,Butter,and special local Egyptian pie.

Hapi guide Will pick you up from your hotel or any place in Cairo and drive you back home again. Spend a nice time in a bedouin tent and smell the African and the Egyptian incense to enjoy your time , you can walk around to have a fresh air and see the stars and the moon.

Tour Inclusions:

A/C Car .

a guide with you all time.


Tea and Coffee

Tour Taxes .

Tour Exclusions:

Extra drinks.



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