Tour of the Armoury

Язык Английский
Стоимость 215 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

The Armoury is a unique museum of applied art located in the Kremlin. It was the first Moscow public museum founded in 1806. In fact, the museum has much more to do with treasures rather than with arms. Most of the treasures exhibited in the Armoury were owned or ordered by the ruling families of Russia.

Here a great variety of precious objects are displayed: silver and gold items with rare gems, ambassadorial gifts, Faberge eggs, thrones, Russia's state regalia, coronation dresses, ceremonial arms and harness, horse-drawn carriages.

Visiting the Armoury you will not only feast your eyes on exclusive jewelry items, but also get a better understanding of the country's history.

The tour takes 2 hours. It is very often combined with the tour of the Kremlin, thus the total tour lasts around 4 hours. It is possible to split the combined tour with lunch in a restaurant not far from the Kremlin or to have the Kremlin tour and the Armoury tour on different days.

The price above includes entrance tickets to the Armoury for 5 people and the guide's services. The price will be smaller if there are fewer people in the group. Due to high demand in peak season (from May to September inclusive), guided tours entrance tickets for a certain date and hour should be reserved no later than 1 month prior to the desired date.


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