Walking tour of Red Square and Alexander Garden

Язык Английский
Стоимость 50 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 1 час

During this tour visitors will get acquainted with the main shrine of the country -- Red Square. There are hardly many people in Russia who have never been here! That's one of the greatest attractions of the country and its special symbol. This square has witnessed the most significant events in the history of Russia, and it’s where tourists and Muscovites flock to in order to marvel at the capital’s beauty.

When on Red Square, we"ll learn when this square emerged, and what it was used for. We'll familiarize ourselves with its most iconic sights: the Savior tower with its famous gigantic clock, the unique 16th century St. Basil Cathedral, the Historical museum and luxurious GUM department store.

We'll also see the Lenin mausoleum and the honorary necropolis at the Kremlin wall.

Then we'll proceed to Alexander Garden, a beautiful park adjacent to the Kremlin wall on the side of Manezh square. In the garden there are some important monuments marking the main milestones in Russian history. During this part of the tour we'll also be able to get views of other magnificent central buildings: the Cathedral of Christ the Savior, the Pashkov house, the National hotel.

It is convenient to combine this tour with the tour of the Kremlin to make the most of your visit. The price will be smaller if this tour is booked as part of a longer tour.

By prior arrangement the tour of Red Square and Alexander Garden can be supplemented with the tour of St. Basil Cathedral.


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