Tour of Kolomenskoye estate

Язык Английский
Стоимость 130 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

Kolomeskoye is a former royal country estate that shaped in the 16th century. This locality became part of Moscow in the 1960-s and is situated about 10 kilometers south-east of the city centre.

Nowadays Kolomenskoye is a vast park and an open-air museum where one can find a lot of monuments relating to the past. Among them are the unique 16th century Church of Ascension, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, the extensive exposition of artifacts connected with the history of this area and the residence itself, rare objects of wooden architecture, peasant houses with genuine furniture and interior items.

The park is located on the high bank of the Moskva river and is a great place for strolling.

The price above includes entrance tickets for 5 people and the guide's services. The price will be smaller if there are fewer people in the group.


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