2 Days History tour itinerary for Isfahan & Qom: Uncover The Neglected Wonders Of Iran

Язык Английский
Стоимость 200 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Любое количество человек
Длительность 2 дня

Stop by the shrine of lady Ma'soumah, interact with scholars at a religious seminary, visit the Nakhjir Cave and various museums in the holy city. Then head to the Netherlands of Iran for its hot (hydro-thermal) springs, Khorhe fire temple and Village of flowers and ornamental plants, and Googad Castle.



In the first half of the day, visit the holy shrine of lady Ma'soumah, historical religious (seminary) school to have a friendly discussion with mullahs and scholars, stone museum and Religion and Life Museum in Jamkaran (if possible).

In the second half of the day, explore the most wondrous cave of the region called "Nakhjir Cave" by driving 120 km from Qom to Delijan.



In the first half of the day, visit Mahallat (the Netherlands of Iran) and its hot (hydro-thermal) springs, Khorhe fire temple, and the village of flowers and ornamental plants.

In the second half of the day, proceed to Golpayegan to have a memorable rest and visit in Googad Castle.

End the tour in Isfahan or Qom as you wish!


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