Tour of the Trinity Lavra (Monastery) of St. Sergius

Язык Английский
Стоимость 370 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 7 часов

The Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is located in the town of Sergiev Posad, approximately 70 kilometers north of Moscow. This is the country's largest orthodox monastery, and it is under the direct control of the Patriarch.

This cloister was founded by St. Sergius almost 7 centuries ago. Nowadays there are about 200 monks living here. The cathedrals of the monastery are on the UNESCO world heritage list, and the oldest of the temples dates from the 15th century. It is here that the miraculous relics of St. Sergius are kept, and it is here that pilgrims from all corners of the country come to in large numbers in order to bow to this greatly revered Saint. The monastery is also famous for its healing spring. It's possible to drink from it as well as to take some water with you.

St. Sergius is a deeply venerated figure in Russian orthodoxy. He helps in learning and healing. He protects in difficult situations and pacifies pride. He is also the patron Saint of Russia and Moscow.

Besides, the Trinity Lavra of St. Sergius is home to Moscow Theological Academy, which is a very reputable institution of higher spiritual education in the country.

The unique architectural ensemble of the monastery formed for centuries and is one of the most beautiful among the Russian cloisters.

During the tour you will visit all the cathedrals of the Lavra and learn about the history of the monastery and orthodoxy in Russia.

While travelling to Sergiev Posad, the guide will tell you about the locations you'll be passing on your way. The tour price given above comprises round trip transportation in a business class car, tickets for 5 people and the guide’s services.

Time for lunch in Sergiev Posad is planned, but lunch is not included in the price of the tour.


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