Tour of the main building of the Pushkin Museum of fine arts

Язык Английский
Стоимость 140 USD за экскурсию
Количество участников Группа до 5 человек
Длительность 2 часа

The Pushkin Museum of fine arts was opened to the public in 1912. It has the most complete collection of foreign art in Moscow. The collection is displayed in several buildings located next to each other.

The main building houses originals of Antiquity and the East, including the so-called Priam's treasure excavated by Heinrich Schliemann. Here you will find religious art and paintings of the old masters, such as works by Titian, Rembrandt, Rubens. European art of the 18th century is also represented in the permanent exposition of the museum. Since the Pushkin Museum started as an educative centre of Moscow University, its initial nucleus consisted of plaster reproductions (casts) of original sculptures from the ancient world, the Middle Ages and also the Renaissance. So the museum has quite a large number of plaster casts of the world's best sculptures, for example, of works by Michelangelo and other prominent masters.

The price above includes entrance tickets to the permanent exposition for 5 people and the guide's services.

The price will be smaller if there are fewer people in the group.


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